女による平安美術ガイド《心葉──平安の美を語る》白畑よし / 志村ふくみ

今年読んだ中で、今のところ、いちばんインスピレーションを受けた本が、《心葉──平安の美を語る》(白畑よし / 志村ふくみ)でした。


元・マガジンハウス《BRUTUS》編集長の斎藤 和弘さんが、「編集者には2通りあって、ロジックで構築するタイプと、淀川さん(同じくマガハ《OLIVE》〜《anan》編集長で歴代最高部数を誇った淀川美代子さん)の様に自分のセンスと直感を突き詰めてあたってしまう人がいる」(うろ覚えですが、そんな感じ)と言っていたことをふと思い出しました。






Mind Leaves.

The book that inspired me the most this year.
This is a collection of conversations between two women, Japanese art historian Yoshi Shirahata and dyeing artist Fukumi Shimura, about the beauty of Heian. I think there are few books that so brilliantly address the Japanese view of nature.

The best part of the book is the reading of the now defunct Shirahata-san’s intuition. It was a river of non-verbal words flowing in accordance with the wavelengths of the two “knowing” people, with Ms. Shimura’s view of nature and her sense of craft as a listener.

It is itself a Heian-period tone. You can catch non-verbal aesthetics and it totally different from the research papers.

The highlight of the book is a dialogue about how Murasaki Shikibu (an author of the oldest novel “The tale of Genji”) contain idea of Tendai sect of Buddhism in “The Tale of Genji” and symbolize colors for each characters to picture a universal mandala based on the Buddhism philosophy in the story.

The color of the Hikaru-Genji is the “light”(Hikaru means light). The complementary color, purple, is the name of his most beloved wife, “Murasaki-no-Ue”. (Murasaki means purple.) Purple is also known the color dyed with red perilla, which name means “connection” in Japanese. It symbolize connection between the “Fujitsubo” (Hikaru-Genji’s first lover) and “Murasaki-no-Ue” (Genji’s wife). All connection is pictured as solar system centered upon the Sun, “Hikaru-Genji”.

“The Tale of Genji” is a magnificent cosmic picture scroll made up of warp and weft. Waka, names, colors, incense, thickness of paper, and the beauty of the Heian period all have a meaning like a threads in woven textiles.


/ 白畑よし / 志村ふくみ
